How far along 21 weeks
Maternity clothes? regular jeans and shorts, maternity shirts and dresses
Sleep: good
Best moments this week: My mom and I were up late chatting as neither of us could sleep, and Baby S was moving around quite a bit. The movements were small but continuous, and I asked my mom if she wanted to try to feel. Immediately after placing her hand on my belly, Baby S let out some big kicks, punches, and wiggles. Seeing the joy and love on my mom's face as she felt her first grandchild move was priceless.
Pete spent last week in Duluth and hadn't had a chance to feel Baby S move since last week but really wanted to feel some kicks. We were sitting on our bed and the baby was pretty still, so I suggested that Pete sing and play his guitar. Baby S must love music because he/she starting moving around like crazy. It was incredible. Pete got to feel LOTS of movement then :)
Miss anything? my old bod
Movement: There is either a lot of movement and I feel great or a little movement and my bladder kills. I think Baby S is kicking my bladder on days with little movement. ouch!
Food Cravings: none
Anything making you queasy or sick: the smell of garlic
Have you started to show yet? definitely
Gender Prediction: Amanda = ? Peter = boy
Labor signs: no
Belly button in our out: in
Wedding rings on or off: on
Mood: Happy
Looking forward to: our ultrasound on Wednesday! We can't wait to finally know if we are having a boy or girl!
** Please take a moment to write your vote in the comment section this week. Do you think Baby Swenson is a boy or a girl?
How far along? 20 weeks
Maternity clothes? I'm still in my regular jeans and shorts, and I have purchased a few maternity shirts and maxi dresses.
Sleep: still good
Best moment this week: Pete got to feel the baby move, and the timing couldn't have been more perfect. I told him I was feeling a lot of movement, and he reached down to feel my belly just as the baby let out a big kick (or punch). It was amazing for me to see his excitement. He can't wait to be a Daddy, and he's going to be the best! I'm so lucky to have him.
Miss anything? coffee and hot baths
Movement: I'm feeling lots of movement especially at night and in the morning.
Food Cravings: popsicles
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Have you started to show yet? Yes, and growing bigger each day
Gender Prediction: Pete still thinks the baby is a boy. I have no idea. One day I think girl and the next day I think boy.
Labor signs: NO
Belly button in our out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Mood: Happy
Looking forward to: our ultrasound appointment next week Wednesday. We get to find out if little baby Swenson is a boy or a girl.
How far along? 19 weeks
Total weight gain? 6 pounds
Maternity clothes? I am still wearing my regular jeans, but I bought several maternity shirts and have been wearing them for the most part.
Sleep: Good :) Maybe too good as Pete and Kelsey recently told me I've started to snore.
Best moment this week: We met with our midwife yesterday morning, and everything is normal! Which is great news when you're pregnant. I'm measuring right on track and so is the baby. The baby's heartbeat was 150 bpm and average is 110 - 160, and our midwife said she can tell the baby is moving around a lot because the heartbeat kept moving. How cool!!
Miss anything? coffee
Movement: I felt some movement last week and haven't felt anything lately which made me very worried. However, our midwife said there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Whew!
Food Cravings: nothing really
Anything making you queasy or sick: nada
Have you started to show yet? Yes :)
Gender Prediction: Peter still thinks we're having a boy, and each day I'm more convinced we're having a girl. We find out in 2 weeks, so we'll know soon!!
Labor signs: NO
Belly button in our out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Mood: Happy
Looking forward to: finding out if we're having a boy or a girl
How far along? 18 weeks
Maternity clothes? Not yet, but I'm thinking soon. I occasionally need to unbutton my jeans when I sit down.
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: At the beginning of the week I was constantly tossing and turning, but the past few nights have been good.
Best moment this week: starting to feel our little baby move!!! It is so incredible :)
Miss anything? bleu cheese and buffalo chicken wraps
Movement: YES!
Food Cravings: nothing really
Food Aversions/anything making you queasy: the smell of fish totally grosses me out. I avoid the seafood section at Whole Foods at all costs.
Have you started to show yet? Yes
Gender Prediction: Pete is still certain our baby is a boy, but I'm starting to think maybe a girl. I'm fairly sure having my mom constantly call the baby her little granddaughter is what is making me reconsider. Lol.
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Mood: Happy with occasional irritation
Looking forward to: our next prenatal appointment on Monday
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