How far along? 26 weeks
Maternity clothes? I'm using my bellyband on most jeans and shorts and just purchased my very first pair of maternity jeans. They are SO incredibly comfortable... kind of like wearing sweatpants :)
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: Sleep has been ok. I can't really complain because I know a lot of women have it much worse than me! I wake up 1-2 times per night to go to the bathroom and/or change positions. We just got a new tempurpedic bed and are super excited! I'm hoping it will help me sleep better.
Best moment this week: Registering for our baby showers. It was fun and overwhelming at the same time! It feels good to have it done though, and Pete was a huge help. I'm really glad he was able to go with.
Miss anything? wine
Movement: Yes! It is so fun to not only feel but also watch our baby girl move. My entire belly moves sometimes!
Food Cravings: not really
Anything making you queasy or sick: no
Symptoms: My back is still much better, thankfully! I just came down with a Summer cold though and have been exhausted. I think our little girl is going through/just went through a growth spurt and tuckered me right out.
Gender: Girl
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out: slightly out
Wedding rings on or off: On
Looking forward to: decorating the nursery and our next prenatal visit.
* Harley just HAD to join this weeks photo session!
Sleep: Sleep has been ok. I can't really complain because I know a lot of women have it much worse than me! I wake up 1-2 times per night to go to the bathroom and/or change positions. We just got a new tempurpedic bed and are super excited! I'm hoping it will help me sleep better.
Best moment this week: Registering for our baby showers. It was fun and overwhelming at the same time! It feels good to have it done though, and Pete was a huge help. I'm really glad he was able to go with.
Miss anything? wine
Movement: Yes! It is so fun to not only feel but also watch our baby girl move. My entire belly moves sometimes!
Food Cravings: not really
Anything making you queasy or sick: no
Symptoms: My back is still much better, thankfully! I just came down with a Summer cold though and have been exhausted. I think our little girl is going through/just went through a growth spurt and tuckered me right out.
Gender: Girl
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out: slightly out
Wedding rings on or off: On
Looking forward to: decorating the nursery and our next prenatal visit.
* Harley just HAD to join this weeks photo session!