How far along? 29 weeks
Maternity clothes? maternity clothes and some regular clothes
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: hit and miss. some nights good - some nights horrible.
Best moment this week:
Attending our first prenatal class. It was from 9-4 and covered birth, infant feeding, and newborn care. It was a long day but definitely worth it. Pete and I feel much more confident now and will likely feel even more confident after our labor skills workshop.
Tubing down the Cannon River with some great friends to celebrate Andy's 30th Birthday! We had perfect weather and a ton of fun. The only thing missing to make the day perfect was my hubby. Oh, and being able to drink ;)
Miss anything? drinking with friends
Movement: Yes, lots and lots!
Food Cravings: ice cream, brownies, cheetos - I've been really hungry this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: no
Symptoms: HORRIBLE allergies. I've never experienced allergies this bad in my life, and according to the pollen forecast for the week, I shouldn't expect them to clear up any time soon. I haven't taken anything yet. I've just been using the netty pot, but I am VERY near taking benedryl or claritin. I am miserable.
Gender: Girl
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out: slightly out
Wedding rings on or off: On
Mood: HAPPY - and occasionally emotional. The other day I started crying because I couldn't find a parking spot at Chipotle. Now, I know this is foolish and knew very well it was foolish at the time, but I just couldn't seem to help myself.
Looking forward to: The State Fair. I am usually very good about not eating unhealthy food at the fair, but I might have to make an exception this year. Sweet Martha's cookies, ice cream, and french fries are calling my name!
Sleep: hit and miss. some nights good - some nights horrible.
Best moment this week:
Attending our first prenatal class. It was from 9-4 and covered birth, infant feeding, and newborn care. It was a long day but definitely worth it. Pete and I feel much more confident now and will likely feel even more confident after our labor skills workshop.
Tubing down the Cannon River with some great friends to celebrate Andy's 30th Birthday! We had perfect weather and a ton of fun. The only thing missing to make the day perfect was my hubby. Oh, and being able to drink ;)
Miss anything? drinking with friends
Movement: Yes, lots and lots!
Food Cravings: ice cream, brownies, cheetos - I've been really hungry this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: no
Symptoms: HORRIBLE allergies. I've never experienced allergies this bad in my life, and according to the pollen forecast for the week, I shouldn't expect them to clear up any time soon. I haven't taken anything yet. I've just been using the netty pot, but I am VERY near taking benedryl or claritin. I am miserable.
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out: slightly out
Wedding rings on or off: On
Looking forward to: The State Fair. I am usually very good about not eating unhealthy food at the fair, but I might have to make an exception this year. Sweet Martha's cookies, ice cream, and french fries are calling my name!
If you're being naughty and eating dairy, have a cheese curd for me!